I get that people are lazy; there are also people that really do WANT to workout and get in shape and something is stopping them....I think I know what it is.... BOREDOM.
I hate working out because I get bored, and my best friend can attest that even doing a prescribed number of reps will bore me. I don't speak for everyone, I speak in my own personal case, but I will make working out fun again!
-I've made a playlist; good music that makes me happy; when I hear it I can't help but smile. It also has a beat or rhythm that won't put me to sleep.
-When I run, I never take the same rout twice; I run three songs worth [about 10 min] one way, then three new songs back, or more since I'm prone to getting lost.
-I switch up where and how I run. Hills, flats, pavement, trails.
I keep myself aware and run with my camera because, if you know even the tiniest bit about me, I always have a camera.
I don't just push through and run without pause; I stop to take photos, I slow down if something is hurting, the only part I push through is the first three songs- those I will run, no matter the route, without pause.
-If it's sunny- I'll go for a run, if it's raining- I go for a run, if I'm in particular pain I will lower my lofty standard to run my first three on a treadmill as a warm up and to save my ankle or back, but then I'll hit the door.
-After the first three I'll hike, walk, jog, sprint and just mix it up. I keep it interesting and my heart rate guessing.
As for weights I take two exercises and do them to the beat of a song, I don't do reps- I'll do bicep curls for 30 sec, then squats [with the weights] for the next 30. Then the next song I'll do two new exercises.
-If I am getting bored I'll intentionally pick a fast paced song, low weights and see how fast I can go, I walk around or dance while I do whatever exercise will allow me to move, or combine three or four ridiculous exercises that probably shouldn't go together and make an obstacle course of it.
For the first time in my life I'm looking forward to working out, I'm looking for my next adventure as opposed to waiting our my exercise purgatory staring at the same spot on the wall/ mirror. I'm having fun and relish every opportunity to be outside.
My next adventures include some intense hiking opportunities and kayaking...with whales...killer whales...
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