3 Things... or more...

I've been doing this thing on my Facebook for a while now where I make three statements. They're really anything I think, believe or notice. These are strictly my own opinions, but I'm fickle and change my mind + there are almost always exceptions but I enjoy doing it and having silly things to contemplate sometimes. This isn't going to be just three things. I'll bring up the ones I've done thus far and will continue to add to it as I have my continue revelations of my own preferences and opinions. Feel free to comment, agree, disagree, argue for or against or list some of your own revelation.

1. When I have a child Imma be thinking "You better hurry and get cute fast cuz dang you're an ugly baby. I guess it's not your fault-they all are."

2. If you are able to tell someone you don't love anymore- You never did to begin with. Love irrationally rationalizes all faults and failure and remains in spite of such.

3. In life, fruit should be more available than snickers and a bag of lettuce should be cheaper than a bag of chips!

4. Advice I read on 'how to be epic' -Say thee, thou, and thy. Why? Because Shakespeare was a BOSS

5. 'Safe' is a relative term.

6. Dill and rosemary are possibly the most understated herbs

7. If I continually refer to myself in the thrid person people might start looking at me funny

8. Skinny jeans were never intended for men

9. Pipe cleaners are rarely ever used for their original purposes

10. Awesomeness is the way of the banjo

11. I've been blessed with some of the best and worst coaches ever... but mostly the best

12. nothing beats a cold room and a warm bed

13. spiced apple cider is possibly the greatest fall drink ever created

14. Don't think things. DECLARE them

15. Books always smell best... Always

16. Study breaks should be spent dancing, singing at the top of your lungs, making cereal, eating cereal or playing the jug on a plasic or glass bottle of soda

17. It is never cool when your 14 year old brother is half a foot taller than you when you're 21 

18. Without intentions books, music, art are meaningless.

19. People who spell their names with anything but letters are a calamity to the education system and good judgment

20. Accents are cool- even if they're fake...they're cool

21. The new Red Riding Hood is going to be bad-A... Mostly due to Gary Oldman.

22. Nothing stand between a girl and her morning coffee... except maybe that girls mom and HER morning coffee

23. Mind over matter doesn't work when you have the flu. I don't know how to even wrap my mind around the idea of an unforseen, diabolical and unbiased virus

24. People who can't pronounce their R's and try to sing are hilarious!

25. It's still to early for Christmas music... anytime is too early for Christmas music

26. Lame idea-Presents for Christmas. Better idea-presents for the new year!

27. Sleeping with a french braid can lead to no good things in the morning.

28. Irish music is BOSS

29. London fog=pure bliss in name and taste

30. Thomas Kemper Ginger Ale is the best ginger ale you can find

31. Libraries are awesome. They just ARE

32. Finals week is stupid

33. 80's rock and 90's hip hop are bomb-diggity

34. There really isn't ever an excuse to use the phrase bomb-diggity

35. I prefer being lost... as a general rule to life.

36. There is nothing quite like a good pair of socks

37. Florence + The Machine is so totally rad.

38. Breaks are never long enough and school in never short enough.

39. It's not WHAT you know, it's WHO you know. I say it's not WHO you know, it's HOW you know them.

40. If you can't make a picture better by being in it- at least make it interesting

41. Bloodstream is a FRECTACULAR song.

42. When a stranger of the opposite sex likes something you like, the best way to introduce yourself is with a 
proposal of marriage

43. The only way to be truly satisfied with any book or movie is to have all the major characters die.

44. if a friend cries while you're dying and tell you it'll be alright-they're a good friend. A great friend... a best friend will slap you, tell you to suck it up and then make you laugh till the very end.

45. You know you're growing up when you see a commercial for Dy-son vacuums and think, "Oh, I wonder if I can get that for my next birthday present?"

46. You are NEVER, and I mean NEVER too old for Looneytunes.

47. Reality TV is the least realistic thing there is in like.

48. Morgan Freedman's voice is the epitome of what 'wise' sounds like

49. Puke is a really funny word associated with a very disgusting occurrence.

50. Shakespeare is a mix of ill-timed misfortune and irrational behaviors.

51. Being outside is always better than being inside.... ALWAYS!!!!

52. Classics will always be in style because they were once and will always be

53. Retro will never be in style because it wasn't cool even when it was in style

54. I don't believe in Writers Block. I believe in Writers Inadequacies and Writers Distractions. You feel 
inadequate then you distract yourself...

55. People telling the truth in a way a 5 yr old could understand would solve a lot of problems