..... I was warning not long before my return that today would be our day for dresses- which I didn't have so Christy gracious dug through my traveling closet to find the SINGLE dress I brought... and several other 'necessaries'. I quickly met Tanya with the faith that I would love her as much as Christy said I would, and went to change[paying included and that particular train station] Once dressed, I realized I'd be packing my bag around with me today since we wouldn't return 'home' until that evening. Along with my 'walking legs' I built some luggage arms.
We then proceeded to Angelina's [contented sigh] the beautiful tea room with hot cocoa like a melted hershey's bar, only better, and french toast that was more of a fried [not heavily though] thick bread. My mouth waters just remembering it [since then I've also tried to replicate the cocoa with little to no success]
From here we crossed some streets, gardens, and bridges until we arrived and the questionable Paris sewer tour.... However informative it may have been, it reeked- because the actual running sewer was just below our feet, wafting upward to our noses. And yes, there were times we could see it too [HARF!!!]

After leaving the bizarre underground tour that no city should really have, we made our way back to Mulan where Tanya and I were put in charge of making sure we had any special toppings we'd need for our special dinner night. Christy left for practice and Tanya and I left to navigate to the local supermart. We snagged what we needed and hit the streets to enjoy the sun, and aparently a picturesque walk along the river and some gangsta artwork.
From here, what did we do, what any other American probably comes to Europe for- shopping! So our shopping was more inadvertent [I was determined to find a leather jacket that was never to be]. We didn't find exactly what we were looking for, but we did find a beautiful church [as if there is any other kind over here]. This one had a more contemporary/ modern twist to it...
To my utter dismay, shortly after exiting the holy sanctuary, I saw a rack of dresses that were so floppy looking that one just might fit me, ok more than might, I was ready to pull out some Euros. I meandered inside holding my find praying I might find a jacket as well. My luck had stopped drastically short. Not only was there no such jacket, the proprietor gave me the once over, actually TOOK the hangers from my hands and said something akin to, "Not your size here; these [holding up the dress that could probably fit TWO of me] not your size." Appalled and stunned that I was rejected from even trying the clothes on, I stumbled out half insulted half in hysterics at what just happened. Welcome to the general French attitude.
On our way back we were going to stop at this familial restaurant that only carries food until it's order gone. We happened to circle the place several times before we realized what restaurant it was. Through a bit of trouble, we figured out that we would need to be finding our meal elsewhere and found some delicious food while hoofin' it back. Along this journey I finally realized why I have so much trouble navigating with a map- I could never seem to find the street signs...... turns out this was the exact sign when Tanya connected me to the fact that the signs were on the BUILDINGS.
All the lugging and dragging was worth everything that night when I got to make my families 'famous' big pancakes[crepes] to a smorgasbord of fillings that would've made my mouth water individually